Sunday, October 26, 2014

Trappist Rochefort 8

No other style of beer has repeatedly impressed and surprised me more than Belgian beer. The complexity and attention to detail for every aspect of each beer is never a disappointment. My expectations are surpassed every single time. I feel that absolutes, like the words "never" and "always", are used too frequently in American culture as an exaggeration, and subsequently lose their impact for truly absolute description. But I mean them here as the original intention and potency of the word. I've never had a beer from Belgium that I wasn't in love with. Some American or non-Belgian country interpretations may have left me wanting, but anything from Belgium is pure gold. End fan-girl talk.

Trapistes Rochefort 8 Belgian Strong Dark Ale

BG Poured from an 11.2 fl oz bottle (330ml) into a stemmed tulip, 9.2%ABV, Best before 11/27/2018 - wow!

A Deep copper/brown in color with a cloudy appearance. 2.5 fingers of tan, super airy head tops the beer and gradually settles to a thin film that’s constantly replenished by bubbles from the bottom of the glass. Lacing is plentiful and pretty.

A Bready malt, molasses, sour yeast phenols, clove, spice, touch of banana, ginger

T Surprisingly light, lemon, rye bread, ginger snaps, brown sugar, initially sweet and then a very dry finish, hint of roasted malt, alcohol is well hidden

M Highly carbonated, tiny bubbles zap every part of my mouth like pop rocks, light body

A Spice and a bit of nutty malt

C After testing the appearance and aroma of this beer, I was expecting something fairly malty and a tad sweet. That was a portion of what I experienced in the taste, but the presentation was so different and more exciting than what I expected. It’s malty sweet on the front, extremely dry on the finish, and super carbonated. These aren’t big, belchy, adjunct bubbles, but tight little bubbles that tingle and tantalize. This isn’t isn’t even my favorite beer. I would absolutely love to travel to Belgium next year and make a big beer event of it. I can’t wait to try more Rochefort selections.

FP Lightly spicy hoisin glazed wings, BBQ chicken pizza, churros

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