Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lagunitas Night Time Ale

I have mentioned previously that I enjoy tasting beer without knowing what to expect. But it's usually pretty easy to figure out what a beer will taste like according to the label. You might figure out what the beer's style is, what brewery it's from, and maybe what some of the ingredient are. But for this bottle, I could only tell it was from Lagunitas. And for the rest, I was left in the dark.

Lagunitas Night Time Ale

BG Poured from a 12 oz (355ml) glass into a stemmed tulip, 7.9% ABV, Bottled 01/20/15, O.G. 1.075, 74 IBU

A Dark chocolate in color with three fingers of mocha, rocky head. It settles down to a dollop of crema. Medium-thin lacing is left behind.

A Burnt grass, charred meat, a touch of pineapple, citrus hops. This is one of the strangest smelling beers ever. It smells like pineapple that you’re cooking on a well used grill that hasn’t been cleaned in years. I’m not sure what to think of this.

T Loads and loads of charred citrus: orange rind, juicy red apples, and pineapple, all of which are juiced and then charred to crispy bits. This is unique, terrifying, and surprisingly delightful. The use of roasted barley is quite clear. 

M Med-light carbonation, medium bodied, slightly drying

A Capri sun, hockey puck burgers, powdery potato hamburger buns - my childhood

C What on earth… is this? I’m disgusted and delighted at the same time. Half of me wants to spit this out, and the other half wants to keep drinking. It’s juicy, citrusy goodness wrapped in a burnt-to-hell outer shell. I can taste the flakes of carbon. I don’t think this could ever be my go-to, but it certainly has a ton of originality points!

FP Portobello burger with roasted red peppers, carmelized onions, ancho chilli aioli and well done fries. Bitter greens salad with bleu cheese crumble, red onion, roasted parsnip, pine nuts and an herb vinaigrette. Blueberry cupcakes made in orange rinds wrapped in foil over a campfire.

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