Sunday, September 28, 2014

Uinta Crooked Line Series Cahoots Saison & Exciting Brews to Come!

Basic white girls are excited about pumpkin spice lattes, I'm excited about Dogfish Head Punkin. Erik is at wine camp in Napa Valley right now, and he's bringing back the spoils of being in a fantastic beer state. Don't get me wrong, Utah has some sweet breweries (Uinta, Squatters/Wasatch, Epic, etc.) but, with a few exceptions, the Mormon death grip on this state prevents many tasty brews from squeezing past UT borders. That means whenever someone you know goes out of state, you had them a Benjamin, cross your fingers, and wait for their glorious return.

Ok, so Dogfish Head is actually on the other side of the country, but it's still something California has that Utah doesn't. What I'm truly excited about so far is Pliny The Elder. Erik just visited the Russian River Brewery (so jealous), and scored a growler full of Pliny the Elder, a six pack of the same, along with some Dogfish Head, North Coast, and a few others. E X C I T E!

For the next few days, however, I am held to Utah's offerings. Many are delicious, but limited in variety. Today, I try something new and delicious! Read on...

Uinta - Crooked Line Series - Cahoots Saison

BG 9/28/14
Poured from a 750ml cork & cage bottle into a stemmed tulip, 6% ABV, Bottled On 07/08/14, Bottle Conditioned, noted as Cahoots “II” (2)

A Gold in color, slightly hazy, with tons of new bubbles constantly replenishing the eggshell white, massive 3 finger head. The lacing left behind is ornate, plentiful, and even blankets one side of the glass like snow. The head looks creamy like that of a guinness. This is a very visually attractive beer!

A Lots of brett, sweet citrus, hint of banana, crisp apple, peach rings, acidity

T Tang, floral hop bitterness, smarties without most of the sugar, unripe peaches, yeast, green grass, slightest touch of barnyard funk, cherries, grapefruit

M High carbonation, tingly on the tongue, slightly mouth-drying finish, light bodied

A Acid, bitter hops on the backsides of the tongue

C This beer is incredibly light and refreshing! It has just enough sweetness to catch your attention before the long, bitter finish takes over. There’s an interesting amount of complexity here as well. Sometimes a bomber is a bit much to finish by myself if the beer is particularly rich or aggressively flavored. But I just got to the bottom of my first glass, and I’m super happy there’s more where that came from!

FP Cherry pie, chicken caesar salad, spinach tomato panini on sourdough

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