Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sierra Nevada Ovila Belgian Style Abbey Quad

I feel that the most common drinking style in the US (thanks to the big three) is geared toward mass consumption of low-alcohol, very lightly flavored, yellow suds. But with the craft beer scene on the rise, I am happy to see American breweries push out some beer more appropriate for sipping and savoring than sessioning and shotgunning. Don't get me wrong, there's a time and a place for everything. It just so happens that tonight is the time for a serious sipper. Just because.

BG Poured from a 12.7 fl oz cork & cage bottle into a stemmed tulip, 10.2% ABV, Packaged 11/26/14, Brewed with plums grown at the Abbey of New Clairvaux

A Charcoal in color with gorgeous garnet highlights. One finger of modest beige head fluffs up and quickly dies down to a soapy film. The film creates a rather decorative design that changes like clouds passing by. The beer seemed to pour without any yeast sediment. But it’s also black as night, so good luck seeing anything in there.

A Dark fruit, a little sour, purple skittles, sugar plums, molasses, Christmas, very light floral hops, saltine crackers, tart dried citrus candy, spicy phenols

T I think I just took a bite out of a fermented dinosaur plum. This beer is very heavy on the front, making the flavors almost indistinguishable from one another at first, and smacks you on the finish with booze and gumdrops. Dark fruit, tart cherries, caramel malt, spicy yeast, a touch of earthy hops, cashews

M Slick in the mouth, very coating, viscous, A bit of boozy burn on the throat

A Plum pits, honey roasted cashews

C Oh man. This is an intense beer! It has been probably 4 or 5 years since I’ve had a Belgian Quad (Quadruple). They’re a lot like a barleywine, but with Belgian yeast flavors and much less hops. This is a great winter sipper. There’s a ton of sugary sweet plum and hearty malt flavors. I prefer to drink beers like this without food, but rich, salty dishes would pair nicely, as well as lightly sweet deserts. 

FP Rare kangaroo with plum sauce and mashed sweet potato. Grilled salmon with cilantro basmati rice and grilled asparagus. NY cheesecake with a berry drizzle.

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